Trainers / Experts

The trainers and experts listed in the database have all been active under the H2020 funded project GE Academy in different capacities.

  • GE Academy trainers: These profiles have been active both in designing and delivering trainings and workshops, either face-to-face or online. They come from or were hired by GE Academy partner organisations directly, and typically have advanced expertise in both Gender in R&I and as trainers applying feminist and participatory methodologies in this specific domain.
  • GE Academy Trainers of Trainers: These are GE Academy Trainers who have been in charge of designing and delivering the GE Academy Train the Trainers course with its two editions.
  • GE Academy Train-the-Trainers alumnae and alumni: Having passed a thorough selection process based on CV screening and interviews, they have participated in the T-t-T course, and coaching sessions. Thus, they have become familiar in using GE Academy training scripts, following the GE Academy quality standards and applying participatory training methods. Most of them have been actively engaged in 2021 in the GE Academy capacity building program as co-trainers or as observers providing feedback to trainers.
  • GE Academy highly qualified trainers: This group of expert trainers applied to take part in the GE Academy Train-the-Trainers but were found to already possess the expertise to roll out training courses, so they were familiarised with GE Academy standards and tools with shorter sessions and some of them have acted as trainers in the course of the project.
  • Experts / speakers in roundtables, webinars or DOCC modules: These were experts whose topical knowledge and expertise were acknowledged by project partners for involvement in providing lecture-type contributions within webinars, online roundtables or DOCC modules/lessons.

All those trainers and experts were asked to fill a short questionnaire and give their consent to publish their data. Not all trainers and experts have done so, that is why for some no profile and background information is included in the database.

The information presented in the database was provided by trainers/experts and published online with their full agreement as well as consent and complying with GDPR regulations. It was not subject to any further check by GE Academy partners, so trainers and experts themselves hold exclusive liability on its veracity and completeness and are in charge of keeping the information up to date.

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Trainers found

Maria Sangiuliano

Research Director and CEO, Smart Venice
Research Director and CEO, Smart Venice

Ingrid Schacherl

Coordination office for the advancement of women, gender studies, diversity at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna
Head of the coordination office for the advancement of women, gender studies, diversity at the Academy of Fine Arts Vienna

Claudia Schredl

Scientific Associate, GESIS Leibniz Institute for the Social Sciences

Katta Spiel

Hertha Firnberg Scholar || TU Wien
Hertha Firnberg Scholar

Ea Høg Utoft

Postdoc, Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Aarhus University

Maya Widmer

Independant Senior Advisor on Gender and More

Cela Xhenson

Secretary General at the Roma Versitas Albania
Secretary General at the Roma Versitas Albania
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