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Dr. Vilana Pilinkaite Sotirovic has participated in many international projects and contributed to the developing policies and legal reforms in the field of violence against women in Lithuania. She was a national researcher in the project Quality in Gender+Equality Policies in the EU, funded within the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission (2006-2011) (, As a national researcher on gender equality in high education she has contributed to
the H2020 CASPER project (G.A. n 872113); EIGE study on Gender-Sensitive Parliaments, European commission study on gender-based violence in sport (EACEA 2015-2704/001/001) and study on integrating gender equality in research performing organizations (EIGE/2012/OPER/07)
Country / Countries of Residence: Lithuania
Professional Background
Working Experience
Dr. Vilana Pilinkaite Sotirovic (female), team leader, has fifteen years of experience in doing research and advocacy work on issues of gender equality and in particular gender based violence. Since her employment at the Centre for Equality Advancement (from 2005) she participated in many international projects and contributed to the developing policies and legal reforms in the field of violence against women in Lithuania. She was a national researcher(?) in the project Quality in Gender+Equality Policies in the EU, funded within the Sixth Framework Programme of the European Commission (2006-2011) ( Since 2011 as a research fellow at the Lithuanian Social Research Centre she has conducted number of research for European Agency for Fundamental Rights (FRA) and European Institute for Gender Equality (EIGE) on equal opportunities and gender equality policies, including research on administrative data collection and good practices in the field of violence against women, gender based violence in sport, gender equality policies in research performing organizations and other. In her research Vilana has applied desk research and qualitative interview methods with experts, policy makers and implementers, victims of domestic violence and provided interview analysis in reports and scientific publications. In 2019 Vilana contributed to the analysis of population poll about attitudes of society to the victims of sexual harassment and presented its results in the international conference of the European Network on Gender and Violence at the Protestant University of Freiburg in July 17-19, 2019 ( Since 2019, Vilana Pilinkaite Sotirovic is the member of the working group on improvement of national legislation and policies in the field of domestic violence under the Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania
Working experience in Gender Equality since: 15
Professional Position / Role
Area of Expertise
Sectors of Work Experience
Scientific Background
Doctor of Philosophy obtained at Central European University, Budapest, Hungary
Additional Information
CV: Download CV
Online Visibility
Availability for Trainings
Availability for Training Formats IN-PERSON
Willing to travel abroad for trainings: yes
Target Groups
Gender Equality researchers / scholars
Team members of Gender Equality committees and / or working groups
Training Content Types
Institutional gender analysis
Acting against gender-based violence and sexual harassment
Training Languages