Francisco Pais Rodrigues

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Francisco Pais Rodrigues
Chief of Staff


Country / Countries of Residence: Portugal

Professional Background

Working Experience

Working experience in Gender Equality since:  2017

Professional Position / Role

Researcher / Scolar

Area of Expertise

Scientific expertise
Facilitation expertise
Topical expertise

Sectors of Work Experience

Universities and Higher Education Sector

Availability for Trainings

Availability for Training Formats ONLINE

Training Session (duration: half day up to two days)
Training Programme (duration: a week and more)

Speaker in a webinar (duration: up to half day)

Availability for Training Formats IN-PERSON

Training ession (duration: half day up to two days)
Training Programme (duration: a week and more)
Speaker in an event (duration: up to half a day)

Willing to travel abroad for trainings: yes

Target Groups

Decision-makers (middle management)
Decision-makers (top-level management)
Gender Equality change agents
Gender Equality researchers / scholars
Ombudspersons / persons of trust for Equal Opportunities / Gender Mainstreaming / Diversity Management
Staff assigned to recruitment procedures
Staff in charge of research planning and coordination / support to research projects

Training Content Types

Gender+: Basic definitions and concepts
Gender Equality Plan: Introduction
Gender Equality Plan: Design and implementation
Gender Equality Plan: Supporting change agents
Gender Equality in leadership and decision-making
Institutional gender analysis
Gender bias in recruitment, promotion and career management
Acting against gender-based violence and sexual harassment
Sex and gender dimension in research content
Gender dimension in curricula and teaching
Dealing with resistances to gender equality
Gender sensitive and inclusive communication

Training Languages



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