Bridging the gap(s): advancing research excellence through Gender Equality [2020-11-16]


16 November 2020


10.00-16.30 (Brussels time)




1 day


Learning Objectives

  • To present basic concepts and definitions about integrating gender in research organizations
  • To go through main issues at stake about gender in research in the context of widening countries
  • Introducing EU-wide trends in integrating gender and supporting equality and diversity in research organizations, including most recent developments on adopting a GEP as a qualification criteria for accessing EU research funding
  • Connecting research excellence with integrating gender and presenting solutions towards bridging the gender and innovation gaps
  • Introducing the notion of structural change and GEPs as a tool to implement it
  • Enhancing awareness about what each participant can do to initiate/support change in his/her own organization, covering the two first steps of the GEP process


Target Group

  • Gender Equality officers and managers in duos
  • Gender Equality Plans core team members
  • Human resources officers
  • Middle managers




Further Information

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