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Juliette Sanchez-Lambert is a trainer, facilitator and consultant with expertise in gender equality, LGBTQI+ rights, diversity and inclusion and sexual violence prevention.
She is also the co-author of ‘It’s not that grey’, a practical guide which deconstructs the so-called “grey zone” of sexual harassment by giving concrete tools to identify, bust myths around and fight harassment.
Juliette supports varied organisations in the public and private sectors, universities, NGOs and international organisations in raising awareness on equality matters and building tools to create social change, from diversity and inclusion policies to sexual harassment prevention mechanisms. She builds and facilitates trainings, in person or online, from small workshops to large-scale webinars with several hundreds of people. She attended the Gender Equality Academy training-of-trainers.
She is also a recognised expert and trainer by the Council of Europe on LGBTI rights, women's empowerment, global education and youth cooperation, a registered trainer in the Directory of Service Providers to train humanitarian personnel on the prevention of sexual exploitation and abuse with DIGNA and a gender equality and women's empowerment consultant for the United Nations Developpment Programme.
Topics she can facilitate trainings on include:
• Gender equality, gender budgeting and gender mainstreaming
• Sexual harassment and sexual violence prevention
• Bystander intervention for harassment prevention
• Diversity and inclusion, unconscious bias

Country / Countries of Residence: Belgium • France
Professional Background
Working Experience
Relevant past projects:
• Consent and bystander intervention for university students in France and for students, professors and staff at VUB University in Belgium.
• Bystander intervention for teachers of the European School II in Brussels.
• Harassment prevention mechanisms for ILGYO and Equinet.
• Gender mainstreaming and gender budgeting for the Brussels Region.
• Inclusive leadership for corporate managers with Key2Advance.
Training toolkits
• LGBTI rights for parliamentarians for the United Nations Development Programme.
• Gender pedagogy for Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie.
Working experience in Gender Equality since: 2013
Professional Position / Role
Area of Expertise
Topical expertise
Sectors of Work Experience
Private Sector
Civil Society
Scientific Background
Master degree in international human rights law (University Lyon 3 / University of Toronto)
Master degree in European human rights law (University of Strasbourg)
Master degree in gender studies (Hull University / Universiteit Utrecht)
Online Visibility
Twitter ID: @JSanchezLambert
Availability for Trainings
Availability for Training Formats ONLINE
Training Programme (duration: a week and more)
Speaker in a webinar (duration: up to half day)
Availability for Training Formats IN-PERSON
Training Programme (duration: a week and more)
Speaker in an event (duration: up to half a day)
Willing to travel abroad for trainings: yes
Target Groups
Decision-makers (middle management)
Decision-makers (top-level management)
Gender Equality activists / promoters
Gender Equality change agents
Gender Equality researchers / scholars
Ombudspersons / persons of trust for Equal Opportunities / Gender Mainstreaming / Diversity Management
Staff assigned to recruitment procedures
Training Content Types
Gender Equality Plan: Introduction
Gender Equality in leadership and decision-making
Gender bias in recruitment, promotion and career management
Gender Equality in organisational culture and work-life balance
Intersectionality and institutional change processes
Acting against gender-based violence and sexual harassment
Dealing with resistances to gender equality
Gender sensitive and inclusive communication
Training Languages